Patreon Content
As a Patreon supporter, you get access to a bunch of sweet bonus content! We know that the backlog of posts on Patreon can be hard to navigate, so here's a handy spot for all that bonus content!
If you're not a Patreon supporter yet, these links will not work for you, you dirty freeloader. It's cool. You can drool over all this content and maybe even become a Patreon supporter yourself!
How do I submit names or items?
This is the form to submit Items/Names/Places!
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Are there Spotify playlists I can use to access the content?
Patreon supporters who use Spotify can use these official playlists to get access to audio-only content! Click the links, click the … menu and select Add to Your Library (you can also organize these into a folder). Note: Some playlists may contain content above your tier - you’ll need to upgrade your subscription to access.
Patron Mini Series / Stretch Goals
At the Mountains of Dadness - Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | The Squeamish Cut | Talking Granddads
Gungans and Daddies: All That Jizz - Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Talking Jizz
Sons and Sonsability - Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Talking Sons
Dad Then There Were None - Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Megacut | Talking Dadatha
Kingdom Dad Monster - Ep. 1 - Founding Fathers | Ep. 2 - The New Gormal | Ep. 3 - What Screams May Come | Ep. 4 - Crimson Tide | Ep. 5 - The Butcher’s Bill | Ep. 6 - Go Woke, Gorm Broke | Ep. 7 - Age of the Phoenix | Ep. 8 - Kingdom Dadhammer
Patron Bonus Exclusives
Check out all of our bonus content: mini series, one shots, albums, vlogs, and more!
The Christerion Collection | Ep. 1 - God’s Not Dead | Ep. 2 - Facing the Giants | Ep. 3 - Journey to Bethlehem | Ep. 4 - Miracles From Heaven | Ep. 5 - A Hidden Life
Butthole Ricochet - Sophomore Slump EP | Talking Sophomore Slump
Live Shows
The Peach Pit
Teen Talk
Talking Dad
Ad-free Episodes
Monthly Bonus of Indeterminate Content (EX-L and higher)
February 2024 - Editing and Sound Design Deep Dive with Ester Ellis
January 2020 - Boreanaz Appreciation Hour (Buffy S01E07 "Angel" Commentary)
August 2019 - The Joy of Painting | Matt's Tips for Beginners
July 2019 - Bones: Dads n Commentary (Bones S01E01 Commentary)
Daddy Issues & Teen Tribune (EX-L and higher)
Uncut Episodes & Edit/DM Notes (Touring and higher)
Season 3:
Season 2:
S2 Ep. 30 - Mrs. Swallows Oak Garcia’s Home for Peculiar Teenagers
S2 Ep. 20 - I Brought You My Catbus, You Brought Me Your Love
Fetch Quest:
Season 1:
Ep. 68 Pt. 1 & 2 - I'm Going Home & Hi "Going Home," I'm Dad!
Ep. 13 - Terry Jr. and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Dad
Ep. 8 - The Battle Axe of Hatred Pt. II
*We didn’t have a Patreon until Ep. 8 of the show, so we don’t have Uncut versions of earlier episodes!